Faxosaurus Pricing

Our flexible pricing model gives you the most value

Pick and choose the add-ons you want and only pay for what you need. Everything comes with a 7 day free trial.




Base Faxosaurus form builder and intake management.

Start your 7 day free trial

Build your own


Basic plan plus any add-ons.

Start your 7 day free trial


Can I sign up without a credit card?

Yes, all you need is a valid email address to sign up for an account. If you decide to keep using Faxosaurus at the end of your trial, then you can add your credit card as a payment method in your account settings.

How do I share my forms?

Faxosaurus forms are easily shareable via public URL or QR code. We also have a code snippet that allows you to embed the forms.

If you have the Wordpress Add-On, you can easily embed your forms on your Wordpress site.

The form management page has the links you need to share your forms.

Do you track form submissions?

Yes, all forms submitted to Faxosaurus are tracked with submission date and time, submitter IP address, and Geolocation. This makes it easy to get an idea of who's submitting your forms.

Is Faxosaurus HIPAA Compliant?

Yes, Faxosaurus is HIPAA compliant. We have a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) available for customers who need it. All data in Faxosaurus is encrypted at rest and in transit. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.